Author: <span>Tevis Steere</span>

Life Path

Reaching Goals & Navigating Obstacles

How do we begin again & choose a new path towards achieving what we want in life & for yourself?

We are a desire driven species fueled by passion, motivation & inspiration as well as purpose. Whether it’s objects or careers we see things we want for ourselves & others. Some people seem to reach their goals while other loose aim of what they want for various reasons.

What determines whether we achieve our goals or not? Most often it’s the obstacles we face along the way. No matter what we want it’s inevitable that something will get in the way. Obstacles are neither positive or negative, they are simply there. How we choose to navigate them is our own free will. We are certainly challenged in life & even suffering is a part of our journey. We will likely suffer the loss of most of the people we meet in life. Most of life’s lessons are often painful ones. Other lessons have deep meaning in other memorable ways. I believe these are the times for us to gain knowledge & wisdom.

Quite often we avoid our feelings especially painful ones in an effort to manage life. At times some obstacles feel unnavigable & we feel like quitting, giving up or saying “f… it.”

Sometimes we struggle with the smallest of obstacles & feel overwhelmed if yet another obstacle reveals itself no matter it’s size. This is when individuals suffer the most especially if they have a history of being victimized or suffering meaninglessly.

When feelings are intense & people feel overwhelmed it’s hard to cope with obstacles. We have trouble learning from the choices we have made & often retreat into the misery we feel loosing the opportunity to learn & gain knowledge.

Pain & suffering can be our greatest teachers. We do not forget what matters to us. If we do not learn from our failures we are destined to repeat them. There is knowledge & wisdom to be gained from the meaning of our suffering. If we do not learn then it is meaningless suffering.

The path to achieving your goals is determined by what matters to you. You navigate the obstacles you face by keeping your aim on what truly matters especially when it is most challenging. When challenged we can gain wisdom from the meaning of the feelings we experience whether positive or negative.

Conversations about wisdom have resulted in defining it as, “knowledge gained through experience.” Or better yet, “knowledge gained through suffering.”

If we don’t learn from our feelings or suffering it’s meaningless suffering.

Call me at 502-295-5008 to further explore how to stay on path to reaching your destiny. It’s not far off in the future or down the road. It is the present, it’s the next choice right in front of you. The choice will either keep aim on your path or lead you off the path of getting what you want.

Tevis Steere, LCSW

Cell Phone Responsibility

As a child I remember riding up the escalator at Space Mountain in Disney World. I viewed animated depictions of humans talking of the Information Age. I wasn’t sure what that meant then and I’m still unsure of where this will lead us. Here we are in the Information Age, and what a magnificent and powerful tool we possess in the cell phone or smartphone.

With great power comes great responsibility. The vastness of what we hold in our hands is infinitely captivating. The information alone is unlimited. This two-in-one phone and computer likely was never foreseen to be the social media platform it has become.

The smartphone can empower an individual to seek knowledge and form opinions. It can also feel like a safe platform for expression where acknowledgement and affirmations are immediate. In the real world gratification is often delayed. In the cell phone world of swiping and clicking we can swipe towards things that affirm and away from things that contradict ourself and our identity. This is a feeling driven behavior, and without regulation can become a compulsive act. This action diverts ourselves away from reality and responsibility sending us down the rabbit hole of perpetual immediate gratification.

Hopefully, in the real world, an individual makes choices and expresses themselves freely. In most social situations these choices and expressions have natural consequences. Poor, impulsive, or even compulsive choices are met with results that hopefully lead to lessons learned. The knowledge gained from these lessons, discomforting or even painful as they may be, teach us how to navigate the world.

The consequences of the social media world of swiping or clicking away from contradictions or obstacles leads to no knowledge gained and a lack of wisdom. Some of the best lessons in life come from our failures. As painful as they might be they are the best teachers. Most children touch a hot stove once. The knowledge to not touch a stove is a coping skill gained by experience. Trial and error are how we learn to survive. Without the skills to navigate the obstacles of life the individual turns away from adversity and responsibility. This can lead to an identity crisis where they desperately seek out affirmations compulsively. Unfortunately through social media platforms identity can be distorted in countless ways.

In the real world trail and error, and even adversity is where we learn about ourselves. Through the experience of trial and error we gain knowledge and wisdom. We also find out what matters to us and we acquire passions that confidently define us. These sometime uncomfortable paths of adversity take us on journeys and on these paths is where our true selves are revealed. Get on a path to gain knowledge, wisdom, and affirmations about yourself and life!

Individual therapy is a place to explore these paths, yourself, your passions, and your purpose. This is where you find your Linear Life Path!


March Madness

March Madness will come and go. If the madness was there prior or proceeds after give me a call!


Challenge Yourself

When resistance is the first part of you that says “I can’t do that,” allowing another part of you to emerge & simply consider is essential to growth, knowledge, & wisdom!

In life experience is the greatest teacher. Unfortunately repetition without change can create negative scripted assumptions generating resistance. These resistant parts have good intentions to keep us safe from uncertainty. These parts also keep us from growth.

There is no risk in considering the possibilities! There really is no limit either…..the possibilities are infinite! Why not dream?!

When we dream reality becomes easier to consider. We can really start to put things into perspective & decide what we are rationally capable of achieving.

Next time anything presents itself to you, when the resistant part of you announces itself recognize it. Then be aware there is another part that has freedom to consider the possibilities of growth, knowledge, & wisdom without restriction. The choice is always up to you!

Feelings: Your Ability To Respond Is Your Responsibility.

How you feel cannot be wrong as long as it is appropriate to what you are experiencing.

Example: Feeling frustrated when you feel someone is not listening to you.

When our emotions are overly intense they distort reality & create cognitive distortions.

Example: When you step on a piece of gum & think it is the worst thing that ever happened to you.

Stress, Depression & the Holidays

The Holidays are always a traditional ritual of life that bring many memories. Not only feelings of joy & happiness are experienced during this time of year. Stress can be an overwhelming part of the season due to the demands & expectations we place on ourselves. All of the feelings associated with depression can intensify during this time of year as well.

The warm & rich traditions of the season can also be associated with conflict, abuse, neglect, loneliness & hardship among other things. Coping through these experiences can be difficult & overbearing. Putting things into perspective with a professional can be the answer.

These are the reasons counselors are busiest during the holiday season. Many family, couple & individual clients I have had in the past often contact me during this time of year due to the additional demands & overwhelming emotions they are experiencing. Often these therapy sessions address a scripted negative dynamic that has been present year round & has intensified due to the emotional intensity of the Holidays. Clients are then presented with the opportunity to address the issues associated with this script & resolve issues that have impeded them from enjoying the seasonal celebrations.

Call now to schedule 502-295-5008!

Challenge Yourself

When resistance is the first part of you that says “I can’t do that,” allowing another part of you to emerge & simply consider is essential to growth, knowledge, & wisdom!

In life experience is the greatest teacher. Unfortunately repetition without change can create negative scripted assumptions generating resistance. These resistant parts have good intentions to keep us safe from uncertainty. These parts also keep us from growth.

There is no risk in considering the possibilities! There really is no limit either…..the possibilities are infinite! Why not dream?!

When we dream reality becomes easier to consider. We can really start to put things into perspective & decide what we are rationally capable of achieving.

Next time anything presents itself to you, when the resistant part of you announces itself recognize it. Then be aware there is another part that has freedom to consider the possibilities of growth, knowledge, & wisdom without restriction. The choice is always up to you!

The Human Condition

One third, more or less, of all the sorrow that the person I think I am must endure is unavoidable. It is the sorrow inherent in the human condition, the price we must pay for being sentient and self-conscious organisms, aspirants to liberation, but subject to the laws of nature and under orders to keep on marching, through irreversible time, through a world wholly indifferent to our well-being, toward decrepitude and the certainty of death. The remaining two thirds of all sorrow is homemade and, so far as the universe is concerned, unnecessary.

Winter Blues

Winter Blues

Many variables come into play this time of year resulting in the winter blues or even deeper emotional struggles.

Growing evidence suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)—a type of talk therapy—can also help to identify negative self-defeating thoughts and then reframe them into something that’s more accurate, less negative, and maybe even a little more positive. The ‘behavioral’ part of CBT explores the choice to engage new behaviors resulting in positive outcomes.

Sometimes exercising in self talk is very helpful. Practicing self talk verbally with a therapist can be extremely beneficial. Call me to explore this process !


Cell Phone Responsibility

As a child I remember riding up the escalator at Space Mountain in Disney World. I viewed animated depictions of humans talking …


Anxiety is something that exists in everyone’s life. An anxiety response is appropriate to external circumstances whether …


I recently had a couple come to me struggling with the decision of getting their children vaccinated for Covid. This is an …