My focus in family therapy is establishing patterns of communication and understanding them fully.
While working with children I have had the pleasure of working with families as well. I feel the greatest improvement in the individual child occurs as a result of direct work on communication between family members. This often happens in family therapy sessions.
While working with families, patterns of communication or “verbal game play,” are identified and understood. Helpful patterns are explored and applied creatively while hurtful patterns are explored, understood and resolved. Family members learned to stop “game play” that result in negative feelings towards one another and learn to speak genuinely to one another.
Once again awareness, acceptance, and the continued work of maintaining positive change are the ongoing focus. In a family no one person’s needs are greater than another’s needs. Everyone deserves the right to be heard and understood. The ability to creatively see things in a new way is essential for positive change. Family sessions are generally one hour in length. Contact me today by clicking here or calling 502-295-5008 to get started.