Category: <span>Children Therapy</span>

Children and Divorce

Working through differences and saving a marriage is not always in the best interest of a family. Sometimes divorce is the answer and the best alternative for all family members. Not only is this realization difficult for husband and wife to achieve but their children are often left with uncertainties and misunderstandings. Helping children gain awareness of what is occurring in the family and what it means in regards to the current and future situation for them individually and for the family is essential to their well-being.

Children may exhibit resistance to change and their experience of uncertainties in many ways. Anger and anxiety can be expressed behaviorally in home or at school at times. Achieving an understanding and acceptance of how a child feels can often help them work through their emotions and change behaviors immediately. Everyone’s feelings matter and deserve to be acknowledged and understood.

Having parents sit down with their children and a professional can often provide some security and foundation immediately during the first session. Having both parents in attendance let the children know although arrangements will be different they are still a family parented and loved as well as supported by both mother and father. The children’s well-being is often the most sensitive and significant element of the process requiring nurturance and guidance to work through these difficult times. With the professional help these young individuals can come through with a sense of resiliency and confidence to work through other challenges the may face in their lifetime!

Children and Divorce

Working through differences and saving a marriage is not always in the best interest of a family. Sometimes divorce is the answer and the best alternative for all family members. Not only is this realization difficult for husband and wife to achieve but their children are often left with uncertainties and misunderstandings. Helping children gain awareness of what is occurring in the family and what it means in regards to the current and future situation for them individually and for the family is essential to their well-being.

Children may exhibit resistance to change and their experience of uncertainties in many ways. Anger and anxiety can be expressed behaviorally in home or at school at times. Achieving an understanding and acceptance of how a child feels can often help them work through their emotions and change behaviors immediately. Everyone’s feelings matter and deserve to be acknowledged and understood.

Having parents sit down with their children and a professional can often provide some security and foundation immediately during the first session. Having both parents in attendance let the children know although arrangements will be different they are still a family parented and loved as well as supported by both mother and father. The children’s well-being is often the most sensitive and significant element of the process requiring nurturance and guidance to work through these difficult times. With the professional help these young individuals can come through with a sense of resiliency and confidence to work through other challenges the may face in their lifetime!

Ways to Help Your Children Develop Self Esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem and confidence are essential components in an individuals life towards independence and autonomy. What one deems as a affirming or a success is a lifelong endeavor, the foundation of it needs to be established in early childhood. Building self-esteem will allow the child to deal with difficult situations that they will encounter during their lifetime. Since parents have a major influence on us it is important for them to support and guide children in the navigation of the obstacles they will encounter. Praise, reassurance, curious question asking as well as empathy are vital to the development of confidence and self-esteem as well as coping skills.

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Children and Divorce

Working through differences and saving a marriage is not always in the best interest of a family. Sometimes divorce is the answer and the best alternative for all family members. Not only is this realization difficult for husband and wife to achieve but their children are often left with uncertainties and misunderstandings. Helping children gain awareness of what is occurring in the family and what it means in regards to the current and future situation for them individually and for the family is essential to their well-being.

Children may exhibit resistance to change and their experience of uncertainties in many ways. Anger and anxiety can be expressed behaviorally in home or at school at times. Achieving an understanding and acceptance of how a child feels can often help them work through their emotions and change behaviors immediately. Everyone’s feelings matter and deserve to be acknowledged and understood.

Having parents sit down with their children and a professional can often provide some security and foundation immediately during the first session. Having both parents in attendance let the children know although arrangements will be different they are still a family parented and loved as well as supported by both mother and father. The children’s well-being is often the most sensitive and significant element of the process requiring nurturance and guidance to work through these difficult times. With the professional help these young individuals can come through with a sense of resiliency and confidence to work through other challenges the may face in their lifetime!

Ways to Help Your Children Develop Self Esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem and confidence are major traits in individuals that affect their success. While this is a lifelong endeavor, the foundation of it needs to be established in early childhood. Building self-esteem will allow the child to deal with difficult situations that they will encounter during their lifetime. Since parents have the greatest influence on a child’s belief, it is important for them to let their child know where they belong, how well they are doing and contribute towards developing confidence and self-esteem.

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Transition to Adulthood-Emerging Adults

There are many transitions in life and none are likely more difficult than the one leaving high school and moving towards …

Cell Phone Responsibility

As a child I remember riding up the escalator at Space Mountain in Disney World. I viewed animated depictions of humans talking …

Transition to Adulthood-Emerging Adults

There are many transitions in life and none are likely more difficult than the one leaving high school and moving towards …