
I recently had a couple come to me struggling with the decision of getting their children vaccinated for Covid.
This is an ongoing complex and very sensitive global issue unavoidably affecting all of us. Making this decision evokes feelings and thought deeply rooted in many facets of life including your family of origin influence and political positions. Making hard decisions is part of life and parenthood. Major issues are necessary to navigate life and how we address them determines our life path as well as affects those in our lives.
I believe there are 3 ways to address issues which is determined by how sensitive the issue is to the individuals involved in the matter. We either avoid, fight or work through them. Like feelings & suppression if we avoid issues they build up inside. This can continue or lead into fighting the issue. Avoiding and fighting are essentially the same thing. We must figure out a way to navigate any issue regardless of how sensitive to work through them and understand each person’s perspective. It comes down to how we communicate with one another. Now that’s a process that’s called Couples Therapy or Marriage Counseling!